

Subject: FW: FW: "Name our boat"

Stephan wrote:

> I know that around your shop somewhere there's a set of chisels, a wooden
>mallet [

Nag, nag, NAAAG!!!   Hey lissen, I'm too busy knitting all these swim trunks
and waterwings to start learning how to become a chiseler.... errrrrr.....
make that a woodcarver.   ''Sides... there's still the embroidery and
needlepointing to do on 'em when they're complete.

Ohhh.... and WHAT "shop?"  Whaddaya think I'm running here - a shipyard, fer
goodness sake?  Sheeeeeeesh!  Nag, nag, NAG!

And another thing... If I carved a figurehead, it'd look like Tom Selleck! <be

still my heart!)  Who CARES if he's not a Parkie - he's BEEEE-U-TI-FUL! <grin>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Aaron Schwartz
Sent:   Saturday, June 07, 1997 1:33 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: "Name our boat"

>Barbara Mallut wrote:>
> Stephan....
> "How'm I coming on the figurehead?" . . . . I ain't no carpenter!
>   If I couldn't build a boat, how do ya expect me to make a figurehead, huh?
> And besides... Janet Reno sure ain't "figurehead material," in MY book!   I
> mean I'm sure she's a fine person, and all that, but let's face it - she
> a exactly a raving beauty!!! <grin>
> Now Deborah Kerr is something else altogether!  SHE'D make an elegant
> figurehead representing PD.. >[log in to unmask]>>

Barb, Barb, Barb, Barb . . . . .
>   If I couldn't build a boat, how do ya expect me to make a figurehead,
Aw com'on!  Surely, these are not the words of a self-proclaimed
talented creative artist!   A figurehead needs carving . . . I know that
around your shop somewhere there's a set of chisels, a wooden mallet [
in middle english: malyet; similar to Mallut?] and other artist-type
"stuff."  Be creative!
>Janet Reno<      Remember, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, " and that
"Beauty is only skin deep."  [I HEARD THAT!  <giggle><"She must  have
some DEEP skin!"> ].
>Deborah Kerr<  "King Solomon's Mines," with Stewart Granger . . . .
"An Affair to Remember," with Cary Grant [chick flic!] . . . .
"From Here to Eternity," with Burt Lancaster
Okay, carve Deorah Kerr's face on the figurehead . . . . I'll hang a
framed photograph of Janet Reno on the stern.  Thank you for all your
interest and concern . . . . blah, blah, blah.

Stephan  52/6