

Marjorie, I don't blame you a bit for being bitter about what happened to
your Son in Law.  Anyone who is not independently wealthy, or insured to the
hilt, or both, is ripe for being abused by employers. To be fair, I am sure
there are still some companies that provide sufficient coverage for
disability, and do everything they can to help their employees, but for most
of us, that would just be a dream.  The best advice for us working  folks is
just what you said, get all the insurance you can, watch your back, your
front and your sides at all times!  I see an opportunity for a smart
insurance company to lobby for automatic coverage for all workers by all
employers, for disability and catastrophic illness.  Many companies now want
to hire independent contractors and part time employees to avoid giving any
benefits or security.   It's hard enough to survive the workplace when you
are strong and healthy, but that is the time to plan for the worst case
scenarios! Ken B.