

At 06:02 PM 6/13/97 -0400, you wrote:
> Hello Kathrynne--I want to update you on our situation, incase you have any
>suggestions to help.  Peter still loves the Hearty Balance granola-type bars,
>and eats one (or 2!) daily. However,I can't get him to use either the liquid
>supplement or the powder version. He still insists on Ensure, which I try to
>limit to evenings due to the 9gm protein per can.  Can we use this at lunch
>if supplemented with extra carbo? Could you suggest best way to do this?
>Today I gave him Ensure, plus a small bowl of cereal with blueberries and he
>ate a few dried apricots (label says 29gm carbo per serving!) One problem
>is that he is rather suddenly having a loss of appetite, and can't think of
>what he wants, among the appropriate possibilities (for lunch, esp.)The
>need to avoid protein knocks out eggs, peanut butter,cheeses, etc, I think--
>am I wrong?  He weighed 142 a couple of weeks ago, but is now down to 137,
>so I'm concerned.  Any suggestions youmay have would be welcome!
>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
>[log in to unmask]
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camilla if you get an answer let me know as i to am losing weight my
cheese,peanut,ensure, butter, apricots,plus dried prunes. what is there left
to eat. mom is get crazy on cooking for me as i can seem to like any thing.
weight 119 now. I.Y.Q. don