

4.  Why do you stay on the Parkinsn List?

a)  To stay up-to-date on current developments in Parkinsons

b)   Personal enjoyment

5.  What are the three most important things you get from the
Parkinsn List?

Information, communication with others suffering with P.D. (It's
great for my mental health) and humor (Boy! Do we need that!).

6.  What else are you getting out of belonging to the Parkinsn List?

As depressing as some of the postings can be, the one suprising
benefit is HOPE! Hope shines through when we hear from a long time
Parkie doing well. Hope -- when we hear about advances in medicine.
Hope -- when we learn of just one new way to make the P.D. experience
easier to bear. Hope when we hear from the caregivers, having faith
that should the time arise a caregiver will appear.

Yola Case
47/9 bi-lateral pallidotomy & thalamotomy