

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    56 deg. F chilly

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997 17:34:50 -0400 MR JOSEPH GIBBONS
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Has anyone on the PD forum ever had NADH therapy?  If so, did you
>experience symptom relief?  Did you self-medicate or take it under a
>doctor's supervision?  Please share your experience with me or PD
>forum.  Thanks in advance.  Ann Gibbons
Hi Ann,

I take 4 x 5.0 mg/day of ENADA brand NADH,  developed  by Dr. Birkmayer
of Austria.

I take it in consultation with three doctors (family doc, general neuro,
and "parkinsologist.

I stopped it for 3 days--had HORRIBLEl muscle cramps and long
  It definitely helps control offs and also, warms me up, so less muscle

Distributed by MENUCO, 1-800-636- 8261.

Very expensive. but the Birkmayer Foundation is paying for it for me,
since I live on social security monthly check and cannot afford any

Without the NADH, I definitely would be MUCH worse off.

I think the amount  of NADH / day depends on body weight, metabolism.  I
am slender, active type, also strong--weigh 170 lbs., stand 5'11".  You
might try calling Dr. Birkmayer--ask MENUCO for his telephone number.