

Hi Barb,

I chose to write this to you because I see your name on here a lot so I know
that you will see this.  I am somewhat depressed today.  I had a lady from an
group come into my work to do an inservice with my staff as we have some of
Seniors that have Alzheimers.  I had hoped that this would help my staff to
understand what this disease is.  However, when Ms. Scholls drew a picture of
umbrella and wrote dementia over the top of it, and then listed types of
dementia and one she included was Parkinsons, it really scared me.  Do pwps
lose their mental abilities?  Is this the norm?  Is this what I have to look
forward to?  All of these questions are going through my mind over and over
again.  Can anyone answer this for me?  I thought that it was a possibility
but not the norm.  Help. I will be looking for any answers I can get to help
me to learn more about this.  Thanks.

Sue Whitmore,  45/2