

At 07:28 PM 6/17/97 -0400, Mary Legan wrote:
>A week or two ago an Index to past Current Science Reviews was posted here.
>Is there any way on the Internet to get the text of some of these articles?

Some publications have their own NET site, which may have full text
articles.  Just do a search for the publication you want on your search
> And are there such lists somewhere for other medical problems besides
Parkinsons?  >Yes  Do a search for the specific condition.  Or do a web
site search using the hospital's name.  The medical site I like the most is
MEDLINE, which can be reached by searching for Medscape, then click on
MEDLINE, then register (costs nothing).  MEDLINE has abstracts of articles
from all medical journals in the world.  These abstracts go back years.
Many of the articles are full text, not just abstracts.
                                                                Peace, John