

Stephan S.

You must get over this terrible Molluskism guilt that burdens you so.  In the
first place, that is a DISEASE.... "Molluskism Syndrome,'" and you should
never feel guilty about being stricken by a disease.  No sireeeee!  Rest
assured that there's a lot of research being done on Molluskism right now,
predominantly at the University of Micronesia

Oh.. and don't forget the Molluskism chat on the IRC!  Just logon to

Don't believe it when folks tell you that "You don't look sick," because you
REALLY do!   Also... if they advise you to take more vitamins, eat health
foods, or to get more exercise, it's important to appraise them that YOUR
condition demands you do/ingest none of those things or your symptoms will
become worse!

I hope this information has been of some use to you (and to any Mollusktics
who may be lurking here praying that someone would post this type of valuable

No need to thank me - I'm always happy to enlighten the ignorant. <giggling>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Aaron Schwartz
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 1997 10:26 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: discourtesy to mollusks

John Morey wrote:
> 6/15/97 you wrote:
> Jim Slattery wrote:
> And you boat people -  CLEAN YOUR ACT UP!<<<
> >Oh yeah?!  Well, you son of a squid!  Get down in the bilge and man the
> >pump!  And don't show your face on deck until you have written letters
> >to your two senators and congressman/woman in support of the Udall bill!
> >Stephan 52/6
> Stephan, don't you think you are being a little nasty to .........the squid!
>                                                                 Peace, John<

Hi peaceable John:

   You are so right!  I am GUILTY of MOLLUSKISM!!  I am mortified!
    I am going to immediately run down to my neighborhood aquarium,
apologize to all the cephalopods and offer to do public service.  I
think I have too much protein in my diet.
p.s. does anyone have a good recipe for calamari?

Stephan 52/6