

Sue, I am so glad I was not the only one with  the sliderule  AND morse code.
I had an uncle who always wanted me to be a ham, but I spent too much time
taking all the electronic gear apart to see how it worked, until I would kill
it! I took apart at least three code practice sets!  Sorry to hear you lost
your brother, especially in such a senseless way, but, as they say "we'll all
be together one day" Meanwhile we "Never give up", I think it's Sonia who
says that......BTW I used to have TWO sliderules, one was a good one, that I
treated like a valuable friend, the other was a cracked piece of junk I
found, I used to pretend it was good, and bang the corner on the desk to
"align" it, which would drive the serious students CRAZY! (The only time I
became serious in school was at grade time, I'd seriously run home to meet
the postman, so my parents would not see my grades!) Ken B