

Ken Becker said:
>Sue, I am so glad I was not the only one with  the sliderule  AND morse

Before we assign the slide rule to a place among the Dodo Birds and the
Dinosaurs, let me tell you about a recent appointment my husband had with
his neurologist. We were there for him to perform a test to determine the
degree of muscle response to electrical stimulation. This was a diagnostic
tool to help determine if spinal surgery was called for.

After recording the results, the neuro consulted some tables, then whipped
out his trusty slide rule and produced the necessary calculations with the
same speed as any nerdy young whippersnapper could with a calculator! I
hasten to add that this neuro is up to date in all other aspects of his

I haven't used one since I used to prepare grades with a slide rule in the
days BC (before calculators and computers.)

Martha Rohrer
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