

I may be setting myself up for a ton of criticism (abuse even), but what do
you think is going to happen to the money the Udall bill would provide. I
mean, let's be honest people, do you think all the Washington mucky-mucks
will actually allow millions of dollars go into research for such an "In the
dark" disease. Even if it is passed, you know how the government works. That
money will definitely be going somewhere else besides its intended place.
What we really need is not more money for research, it's more awareness of
the disease. I don't know, maybe it sounds foolish, and maybe the money could
be used for the specific purpose of hightened awareness.
Don't you think the money would be better suited, AT THIS TIME, to help those
with a more widely regarded problem, e.g. breast cancer, hunger, teenage drug
use, you know, something that people actually know something about. If I
sound cynical, it's because I am just that.

Jacob Drollinger (26, '88)