

At 03:32 PM 6/20/97 -0400, Stephan Schwartz wrote:

>Okay #Memory Losers#! . . .
>to try and solve the daily word games: #Find the Word,
Stephen, I can't even find Waldo!!

> Besides improving your mental agility,
Right now I have the mental agility of a rock, and aspire to paramecium level

>this will force you to sit quietly for awhile and relax.
If I was any quieter, sea gulls would use my hair as a nesting site,....
for the third generation!

>post to this subgroup your anecdotes concerning examples of problems you
have >encountered with recollection and concentration and how you have
dealt with these >situations.
I deal with these situations in a very adult manner. I crawl into bed, turn
the electric blanket up to 9, assume the prenatal position,and stick my
thumb in my mouth.
I brought a qt. of strawberries home, got out of the car inside a garage,
and haven't seen them since.... that was last summer! I wonder if they will
taste as good as the pizza I left in the microwave.....for 3 weeks!  Also
left the car keys in the freezer, and the channel selector in the
dishwasher, and spent 20 min. looking for my car keys.....they were in my
mouth!.  I still haven't found the organic rice noodles (probably with the

>vigorously massaging your scalp with the upholstery attachment to the
vacuum cleaner.
Hey, you use your vacuum cleaner your way, and I'll use mine my way!  And
for your information, I use the Venetian blind cleaning attachment.
                                                                Peace, John