

>Okay #Memory Losers#! . . . and you know who you are . . .
>Based upon the large volume of postings detailing the extent
>of the problems PWP are having with cognitive recollection, I
>believe it is time we established a subgroup of this list:
>        W.I.T.H.D.I.P.I. - Where In The Hell Did I Put It?!
>Our subgroup is dedicated to the proposition that a person
>can improve and increase his/her brain power and stimulate
>memory at any age, under any circumstances.


sign me up!

makes me think of a quote i like


it is never too late
to become what you might have been

                george eliot


it also reminds me of an acronym from another list

        C.R.A.F.T. - Can't Remember a [your choice] Thing!

>Besides improving your mental agility,
>this will force you to sit quietly for awhile and relax.

this 'enforced time' can be looked on as a pain or a gift
i choose the latter
and i'm getting darn good at crossword puzzles!


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