

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:   "will johnston" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: hypnosis
Date:   Sun, 22 Jun 1997 10:44:22 -0400

Noticed several postings on hypnosis:

In our group we considered using hypnosis to simulate visual cues to aid
with gait, balance & freezing.

It has been known for quite a while that visual cues such as patterns on
floors, etc. are an aid to walking. Tom Reise [spelling?], a california
podiatrist suggested a while back on  a DISCOVERY tv show using a card on a
wire attached to the foot [sticking out ahead], a set of cards on a toy
crawler track tractor placed in front of the eyes, or a virtual reality TV
micro screen to trick the eye into seeing a series of lines or dots on the
floor to simulate visual cues.

Our idea was to eliminate the physical visual simulation tricks & gizmos.
Use hypnotism to implant an on     demand self-controlled post hypnotic
suggestion to simulate in the mind visual cues needed to improve walking.

We chickened out - and the local friend hypnosis therapist moved to
California. As rank amateurs, we were afraid what might happen if the
suggestion popped up on a stairway, etc.

Will Johnston
Salisbury, MD

> From: Marjorie Moorefield <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: hypnosis
> Date: Sunday, June 22, 1997 10:11 AM
> At 10:04 PM 6/21/97 -0400, Ken Becker wrote:
> >Billy, you just bought up a good point! HYPNOTISM! That could be helpful
> >someone with PD, maybe???? I wonder if anyone has tried it to alleviate
> >symptoms of PD? Ken B
> >
> Yes and No Ken,
> I did go through Hypnotherapy a number of years ago, because I spent
> more time picking myself up, than doing anything else.
> However, at that time,the Un. of Miami (FLA.) was still calling
> my problem Cerebellar Degeneration.
> My psychologist, who was also a registered hypnotherapist,
> decided that since  there wasn't any medication
> for CD,  this balance problem I had, would have to be helped
> with hypnosis, or I'd have to go into a wheelchair soon.
> It did help considerably, and I haven't fallen since Feb. 19, 1996.
> I'm not so certain the psychologist would have been willing to
> have done hypnotherapy, for a specific disorder, which does
> have medicines available.
> The one thing I can honestly say about waiting 5 years for them
> to FINALLY arrive at the correct diagnosis, is that I have NEVER
> had a problem with Sinemet, I think I needed it so badly, my body
> felt relieved to have some help.
> I know I certainly did.
> As Ever,
> Marjorie Moorefield
> just another librarian with PD, 64/9