

Dear Others-PDers with or without cataracts,
For those of you that read my question of what to dread from cataract surgery
when I already had PD and a sometime tremor in my left leg, it worked out OK.
It's amazing what they (the Dr. & nurse) were doing to my eye and I couldn't
feel a thing.  That's the good news.  Now for the not so good, that the Dr.
assures me will be corrected when I have the other eye done? I'm seeing
double!!!   One eye sees sorta close up but blurry (it has a cataract), and
the other one sees far away and the both of them see DOUBLE.  It's impossible
to walk with both eyes open so depending on where I'm stepping, close or
looking ahead, I close the near-seeing eye or the far-seeing eye.  And I
frown, when you close your eye, the other one
changes position and your face makes a grimace.  I have balance problems
anyway and walk with a cane.  You can bet people get out of my way when they
see this
strange, careening figure coming towards them.  I have a computer eye and a
TV eye.  I have a reading & writing eye and a look across the street eye but
none of them working together.  My poor brain, first it's low on Dopamine
then this, two of everything, one big & one small.  Luckily, I have a dear
care-giver who steers me around, actually I think I have two care-givers, or
at least I see two, he has to help me twice as much.

60/3 yrs