

At 03:32 PM 6/22/97 -0400, Ken Becker wrote:
>         ALSO no one should waste any
>brown lettuce leaves or stale overly salted cellophane coated crackers, or
>sawdust coated peanuts wrapped in Hydrogen-Bomb-proof foil..for obvious
>reasons! Ken B

Ken, you bring up something I have been worried about!
Next Thursday I am going to Seattle to visit my Daughter
and her new husband.

You won't believe the route I'm flying to Seattle.
This ticket was originally purchased last  May, to go to Denver
for my family reunion, at my Sisters in Littleton, Colorado.

  Four days after the tickets were delivered, my colon ruptured and
I have posted to the Net before, about that fiasco.
I really don't think the tickets had anything to do with my
illness, but you never know!!!!!

So here I was stuck with this $362 ticket, which cost me
$50 to exchange and, unfortunately, this airline has never
even HEARD of the Northwest Passage.  So I'm flying from
Ft. Lauderdale International Airport to Charlotte, NC. and
then a non-stop to Seattle.  I will be in the air for
a total of 8 hours and on the ground, changing planes for
another hour.
I fly back from Seattle on Sunday morning, non-stop to Philadelphia,
 change planes and arrive in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday
 evening at 9:47 p.m. and have
to be at work at the library at 10 a.m. on Monday.

My question to everyone of you seasoned travelers is,
how do you survive Airline Meals with PD?
Should I just pack a lunch and forget their Hydrogen Bomb
proof packets of food, or should I ask the Flight Attendants
to open my food, as a Mother would for her child?

Also, with this brace on my right leg, is it advisable for
me to get up every so often and walk up and down the
aisles?  Are passengers allowed to do that, or will I
just have to wait for someone to pry me from my
seat after being immobile for so long?

I found myself waking at my normal 3 a.m. the other morning
considering this problem.

Any suggestions?

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield,
just another librarian with PD