


Reading this a I remembered a conversation with a Jewish ex -colleague. She once
did take a history course at an university in Israel. The Spanish inquisition
was discussed as organised in the first place against the Jews, so she was
told. She was amazed about that. She told she was grown up in Holland and she
was taught in the history lessons the task of the Spanish inquisition was to
beat the protestants and she did never hear about Jewish victims. Vice Versa
was true about the knowledge her teacher had about protestant victims.

About proteins: I think you have to experiment with that. Start with as few
proteins as is reasonably possible during the day. When the effect has
stabilized try to take a small quantity with lunch, repeat this te be able to
see what is the effect. And so on.
                             Ida Kamphuis ,Holland

 a brief description of PD, underestimating (?) the # of
> Americans with it at 500,000.  He says, "Patients (hadn't really thought of
> myself as a 'patient,' but I suppose I am) taking TASMAR can expect
> significant improvement in their movement and ability to perform daily
> activities, as well as in the proportion of  time each day that they are
> able to function well."  Fairly positive statement, I'd say!
> The letter then details Roche's "long history of Roche's involvement in
> Parkinson's research. It was actually a Roche scientist who isolated the
> amino acid for levodopa all the way back in 1913.