


It is very possible that far from not working, your mother's
PM Sinemet is working and is causing Dyskinesia - which is
involuntry movement as a reaction to high levels of, or long
exposure to, levadopa (Sinemet). The recent increase in
your mothers meds would seem to indicate that this is likely.
Unfortunatly there are no simple answers to dealing with
dyskinesia.  Some PWP have found that vitamin C helps
to reduce it,  some choose to keep themselves undermedicted
in order to avoid it,  some find that quite small adjustments in the
timing of their meds can make a big difference.

I wish I could give you a simple sequenceof things to do which
would guarantee results, but if such existed I, and many others
on this list, would lead much easier lives than we do.

Please tell your mum she is not alone.  Sometimes, in
some strange way that knowledge seems to help.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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