

Stephan Schwartz wrote:
> Hello Beth:
> Subject: Re: Protein/timing of meds
> A #low protein# diet would consist of from 20g to 35g
> per day, depending upon a person#s weight.  You can eat
> meat for dinner, but limit the portion (a 1 oz. piece of meat
> contains about 7g of protein).  A 2 oz. slice of pizza is about
> 12g of protein. And your favorite: Foster#s = 1g per 1 oz.

Dear Stephan,
Please allow me to respond to these parameters for a low-protein diet.
Studies show that the average person requires .8 grams protein per kg
body weight, and this is reflected in the USRDA for protein. A 150 lb
person would therefore require 55 grams protein daily.

More recent studies indicate that older adults may require as much as 1
to 1.2 grams protein per kg body weight. On a long-term basis, it could
be quite dangerous to consume less protein than individual needs
dictate. It is partly for this reason that I strongly recommend working
with your physician and registered dietitian when beginning a
protein-adjusted menu plan.

My best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
and NUTRITION TOPICS copy-ready handouts
Tel: 970-493-6532   Fax: 970-493-6538