

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

---------- Original message------------
> From: Carol Walton             \ America On-Line: (carolsmtn)
> To:   Robert Martone           \ PRODIGY:     (Bob_Martone)
> Subject: Nancy
> I was hoping you would put something in your great update about Nancy-
-how was
> the trip to NIH--did we make any progress????  Look forward to seeing
you both
> next month--when do you arrive in DC????  I want to hear some good
news about
> Nancy--love, Carol
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Really looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the gang in DC at
the Forum. We will arrive around noon on Sunday the 13th. Thanks for
asking about Nancy. We are entering the final stages of PD, probably
have been for a while but have been fighting too hard to acknowledge it
(22 years now). I think if we can get her back problems/pain alleviated
there is still much that we can enjoy as a couple. Nancy still loves to
swing a golf club and when she is "on" and free of pain she even looks
like a golfer. So we are focused on her back and the dreaded on/off
phenomenon. Her "off" periods can be quite disabling as the freezing
puts severe limits on mobility.

The good news is that the Doctor, a very kind and gentle man with great
communication skills, offered a list of suggestions, all of which make
sense to us and all of which we will no doubt try. The list runs the
gammit from simple changes in medications to more surgery. The order in
which we will be pursuing his suggestions follows:

1. Try increasing both the Sinemet and the Permax
2. Add amantadine back to the daily schedule. Some recent work he has
done still shows amantadine as a very useful drug. (We have always had
great success with amantadine, but it usually loses its effectiveness
after six months and requires stopping for a while and then restarting
3. Clozaril is an antipsychotic that was added last year to Nancy's
daily diet. It has been very effective but requires weekly blood tests
and is a real pain to get subscriptions filled when traveling. Since we
are planning to travel after I retire next week, this has become a big
issue. There are two alternative drugs one available in the US, named
Olanzapine and one not yet available Ondansetron. Our doctor, here in
Houston, does not want to switch Nancy to the one that is available
because he believes it is not as good and has more side effects. The
other drug he was not familiar with and will check it out. Also the
Clozaril weekly FDA required testing should be lifted soon and changed
to monthly. This will help a great deal if we stay on clozaril.
4. Apomorphine is available in Europe, Australia and other places but
not yet in the US. He says it seems to work very well for people who get
caught between doses and suffer from freezing. Dr. Jankovic here in
Houston is starting apomorphine trials and we tried to enroll Nancy this
week but because of her pallidotomies she can not enter the study but is
on the list to be contacted when the drug is available for distributiom.
This drug is interesting in that it will be available via pump, suinge,
lozenge and nose spray. Side effects include nasal membrane swelling and
the usual assortment of nausious feelings.
5. Revisit the lesion sites of her two pallidotomies. The Dr. suggested
that we should have received more relief from the dystonia that is
creating all the back problems. Expanding the lesion site may be very
helpful. the Doctor asked us to forward Nancy's MRI's so that he could
review them with a Doctor  Lins(sp?) at John Hopkins. This is certainly
of great interest.  More surgery is never looked upon enthusiastically
but if the report comes back saying it is worth a try we will consider
6. An lastly, there is a new stimulation site in the subthalamus that is
producing excellent results in France. Here in the US we are doing
Pallidal and Thalamic stimulator implants but not subthalamic. After we
have exhausted the first five options we will pursue number 6.

Hope you find this interesting. Please feel free to share it. As we now
know there is a wide variety of opinion and some great information
available just by sharing situations like ours.

In fact I think I will share this with the list now too.

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Kingwood, TX