

Joe, I see you are knowledgeable in the field of electronics, have you ever
wondered, as I have, if there are equivalents in the human body to electronic
components, such as capacitors, or inductors, which are suppossed to filter
or tune certain signals? We know there are electrical impulses traveling
through the nerves, we know therefor that there has to be a source of the
electric current, which I assume is chemically derived, as in a battery.
There is obviously something making the current alternate.....Wouldn't it br
great to have an electronic component installed somewhere in the body that
would cure PD.?
The problem is most doctors aren't electronic technicians, and vice versa!
 Imagine checking out a schematic from the library, and rewiring a few
nerves! It's only few theories, but with almost 2000 brains here, maybe we
could make our own PD cure! Ken B