

Bob - Thanks for sharing this info with the list.  You wrote -

> An lastly, there is a new stimulation site in the subthalamus that is
>producing excellent results in France. Here in the US we are doing
>Pallidal and Thalamic stimulator implants but not subthalamic.
A speaker at the recent KC area (Kansas and Missouri) PD symposium said, I
think, that they're doing experimental subthalamic nucleus stimulations
someplace in Florida and having good success.  Sorry I've forgotten the name
of the institution.  The speaker was Dr. William Koller of The University of
Kansas Medical Center.

It was interesting that you mentioned that Nancy's pallidotomies didn't
sufficiently relieve the dystonia that causes Nancy's back pain.  Dick,
52/15, had some relief from his dystonia following his pallidal stimulations,
but is still limited as to the amount of Sinement he can take without
incurring more dystonia than he's willing to tolerate right now.  We can see
it becoming an increasing problem.

I assume Nancy's back has been checked by a specialist.  Dick was diagnosed
as having degenerative lumbar disc disease, and is currently, for the first
time in many years, experiencing relief.  The answer for him was Naprolen, an
anti-inflammatory.  We have no idea why this wasn't prescribed before -
probably because it took five years or more for any medico to take his pain

Thanks for the update.  Margie Swindler    [log in to unmask]