

As on add on to the post by TL Seese, Dr. Langston was a young
neurologist when during a short period of time people in varied
extreme stages of freezing,  inability to speak, showed up in various
places around the city, prison, hospitals, etc.  They were unable to
give clues as to what happened and had been incorrectly diagnosed.
Dr. Langston was responsible for determining that they were all drug
addicts who, regardless of who their distributor was, had used drugs
made by the same source, and developed Parkinson like characteristics,
 or Parkinsonism.  Several autopsies showed the results of the drugs
and pinpointed the reason for the addicts' degeneration.  This was a
major breakthrough in PD knowledge.  Dr. Langston connected with
researchers in (I think) Sweden and a few of the addicts were flown
over and received fetal transplants, which were even more
experimental at that time.  Several experienced marked improvement.
His book is called The Case of the Frozen Addicts, is available in
soft cover.   Fetal research was curtailed by executive order in this
country during the Reagan and Bush administrations.