

A copywrited (sorry, can't copy here) story turned up Thu. June 26, 7:01PM
EDT on the Yahoo home page under "health" on the discovery of a Parkinson's
gene in a couple of small groups of genetically related persons in Italy
and Greece. It was mentioned briefly on Peter Jennings' eve. news report,
too.  The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the NIH; the
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey; University of
Naples, Italy; and the University of Patras Medical School in Greece.
SOURCE: Science (1997;276:2045-2047) Exciting that this development is
getting some attention in the press; it quotes a release from the NIH, a
Dr. Harold Varmus, saying "This finding could prove to be the most
significant advance in our understanding of Parkinson's disease since the
dopamine hypothesis was put forward in the mid-1960s."
How can we use this information to help spark a sense of urgency in support
of the Udall bill?  We are certainly on the cusp of many exciting
developments.  I am advised that my own North Texas congressman, Ralph
Hall, responds well to this sort of significance of science and research,
and I will be sure he hears of this.  It seems like a great opportunity to
write or call again with new, timely information.

Emily Jackson
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