


I have DragonDictate (not the new Naturally Speaking), and while I don't use
it as much as I should (errr.. I have an air conditioner running and also
listen to talk radio while  I work and Dragon doesn't like THAT at all!) <we
all have our priorities>
(The radio I could live without, but the air conditioner? NEVER!), when I DO
use it, it's excellent.

SO.. if there're going to be a lot of local interference such as in my own
case, you might not use it that much.  If not, it's a definite advantage for
those with movement disorders or who do tons of typing.  ASIDE: In my opinion,
the manual is concise, to the point and extreme well written.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Normale Faith Doyle
Sent:   Friday, June 27, 1997 9:02 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Voice Recognition Software?

Dear Parkinsons Network,

I am interested in exploring a voice recognition system.  I am a
computer novice.  This is my first contact with computers.  I am
needing to keep my costs down so I would lean towards buying a used

I have heard that several people have and like using the Dragon

I talked with the company that makes Dragon Dictate and they have told
me about a new product they make called Dragon Naturally Speaking.

I am interested in knowing how persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease like
these products. Do any of you use voice recognition software?  If you use
Dragon Dictate, do you use the Personal Edition or the classic Editi
on?  Have any of you used Dragon Naturally Speaking?

There is a special sale on Dragon Naturally Speaking that ends the June 30th
so I would like to make my decision before then.

I am interested to know your experience and your recommendations.   I would
really appreciate any feedback you could provide me.

                “Lemons to Lemonade”   Jan