

Stephan S.

Oh oh!  Stephan, it looks like you were a victim of a practical joke when ya
logged onto the U. of Micronesia's Web Site and got the information about
"swinging a rubber chicken over your head!   DARN!  Well those Micronesians
have always been said to have a terrific collective sense of humor!  Yuck,

I betcha all three students at the U of M were in on the joke. <smirk>

BTW.... I don't' know nuttting 'bout no person named "Spanky."  But then like
most other citizens of Los Angeles, I stay off the busses 'cause I value my

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Stephan Schwartz
Sent:   Friday, June 20, 1997 1:15 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        FW: discourtesy to mollusks -Reply

    Your compassion  <<<Don't believe it when folks tell that
                               "You don't look sick," because you
                               REALLY do!<<<

and your informed advice <<< . . . vitamins, . . .health foods,
                                      . .exercise . . . [are useless] >>>

means a lot to me.  I logged onto the Univ. of Micronesia
URL (http://mollusktics . . . . ) and I was advised to swing a
rubber chicken over my head [I think I've seen that advice
somewhere before?].
    I saw an ad on the bus for a 'twelve-step' program, but it
was only for people named "Spanky," with an addiction to
black ink (octopus) ravioli. Boy, talk about your specialized
therapy groups!  I might have to resign my commission as
Captain of the S.S. _____ .

Stephan 52/6
>>>Barbara wrote:
>>> Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]> 06/18/97
>Stephan S.
>You must get over this terrible Molluskism guilt that
>burdens you so.  In the first place, that is a DISEASE....
>"Molluskism Syndrome,'" and you should never feel guilty
>about being stricken by a disease.  No sireeeee!  Rest
>assured that there's a lot of research being done on
>Molluskism right now, predominantly at the University of
>Oh.. and don't forget the Molluskism chat on the IRC!  Just
>logon to #molluskism.
>Don't believe it when folks tell you that "You don't look
>sick," because you
>REALLY do!   Also... if they advise you to take more
>vitamins, eat health foods, or to get more exercise, it's
>important to appraise them that YOUR condition demands
>you do/ingest none of those things or your symptoms will
>become worse!
>I hope this information has been of some use to you (and to
>any Mollusktics who may be lurking here praying that
>someone would post this type of valuable information).
>No need to thank me - I'm always happy to enlighten the
>ignorant. <giggling>
-----Original Message-----
> Jim Slattery wrote:
> And you boat people -  CLEAN YOUR ACT UP!<<<
>> Stephan wrote:  Jim - Oh yeah?!  Well, you son of a
>squid! Get down in the bilge and man the pump!  And don't
>show your face on deck until you have written letters to
>your two senators and congressman/woman in support of
>the Udall bill!<<
>>>John Morey wrote:
>Stephan, don't you think you are being a little nasty to
>.........the squid!  Peace, John<
>>>Stephan wrote:
>Hi peaceable John:   You are so right!  I am GUILTY of
>MOLLUSKISM!!  I am mortified!
>I am going to immediately run down to my neighborhood
>aquarium, apologize to all the cephalopods and offer to do
>public service.  I think I have too much protein in my diet.
>p.s. does anyone have a good recipe for calamari?<<<