


Waaaaaaaaaaah!!   I used to have an almost copperplate style handwriting and
ENJOYED writing letters and notes (with little hand drawn sketches added
'round the borders) by hand to my friends and family.  I also did calligraphy
as one of my hobbies and enjoyed THAT, too. <sniffle> (wiping nose on sleeve)

And Ken, m'friend, I HATE to type!!!  SO THERE!!! <--- Barb stamps foot) <size

ASIDE: I may joke while writing this, but I really, REALLY do miss

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Ken Becker
Sent:   Saturday, June 28, 1997 10:36 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: No Subject/Ken's List

Barb, my handwriting is SO BAD..(HOW BAD IS IT?) That I can't read it myself!
Seriously, it was always lousy, I hold my pen in the right hand, but it is
angled as if I were left handed, and trying to change that only makes my
writing worse. If I take my time, it becomes legible, but barely. Everytime I
sign my name it is different. I print everything but my signature, to avoid
being  sent back to the first grade! I remember when I was first learning to
write, we had the really cheap paper with blue lines and chips of wood
sticking out all over. I remember the notebooks with the fake marble pattern
of black and white, and the cloth binding that tasted like dead horses, (I
assume, I never really chewed on a dead horse, unless you count McBurgers as
horsemeat)  I remember every teacher trying to make me hold my pencil or pen
properly. BUT mostlly I remember my first computer that let me stop trying to
write with a pen, and type everything fast, then edit the typos later.  Life
is good with a computer! I hate getting letters that are handwritten anyway,
they always have at least a couple of words that are not  legible, and I
never know if I am getting "a million dollars" or "a messy collar" for
example!  So I just wait until I get a package and say, GREAT, it's NEITHER,
it's just a "ticking bomb".........So feel free to send me a TYPED letter any
time. Ken B