

How about the 600 million recently voted to be spent in the state of WA for
another sports stadium in Seattle?  The reason is because a Seattle fella by
the name of Paul Allen promised to buy a ballteam called the Seahawks and
keep it in Seattle.  WA State has their priorities in order it seems.

So, Billy, 60 million spent in all of Canada for a possible Cancer cure
seems high to you?  I wonder what 600 million for a sports stadium seems to
you?  Respectfully, Sharon ([log in to unmask])

At 07:05 AM 6/29/97 -0400, you wrote:
>1.  How do you determine what is impossible if you don't try?  I am sure
>that virtually all of the medical solutions of this century would have been
>classified as impossible in the previous century.
>2.  It is very easy (and misleading) to play the numbers game by quoting
>monetary sums in millions which, to individuals, seem like huge amounts of
>money.  In terms of the wealth and taxation revenue of Canada however, $60
>million is not a huge sum.  I calculate it as less than one cent per week
>per head of population over a 5 year period.  I don't think that is too high
>a price to pay for even a REMOTE chance of a cure for cancer.
>At 10:21 28/06/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Like, just because we campaign against your bill to spend money
>>on Parkinsons research does not mean we are not your friends, eh?
>> We just spent $60 million here in Canada to try to do the
>>impossible, develop a vacine for Cancer.  Talk about wasting
>>money, eh?
>>[log in to unmask]
>Ernie Peters <[log in to unmask]>