

Ken Lane....

I've had the collagen injections and according to the MD who did the procedure
the injections ONLY work on the 2 vocal cords.   I'm no MD, but I don't think
stuttering is related to the vocal cords (tho I could be wrong.. been known to
happen a few times before) <g>

I have no idea if the procedure is done in OZ or not.....

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Kenneth F Lane
Sent:   Monday, June 30, 1997 4:29 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Collagen injection

I have not been reading the list in recent times due to a number of things
like being away for a while and then my PC crashing. So could someone tell
me if this Collagen injection I've  just read about has any effect on
stuttering. And if so does anyone know if it is available in Australia.
                        Ken. (47. PD 9 yrs)
Ken Lane:    [log in to unmask]