

Billy, we have a problem here with research that involves anything to do with
"fetal tissue" .  I would not want to have to make the judgement call.  I
like babies, and I also like old and middleaged folks. I would not want to
think about taking life from a baby to make an adult feel better. However, if
we are talking about tissue that would otherwise be discarded anyway,  why
not use it to cure  a living person?  We have folks who will go hunting and
kill animals for fun, then say "I won't eat veal, because the the calves are
 not treated well while being raised to be eaten" .  Anti-abortion activists,
who value the fetus, but will kill a building full of doctors and patients to
show how caring they are.  A teenage girl put her baby in the trash to die,
so she could go back to the prom and dance. If she did not want that baby,
she could have gotten an abortion a few weeks after conception, and maybe
saved someone from a lifetime of disability.  The teenager will probably
spend the rest of her life in jail too, what a waste........  I am glad not
to be a politician, I can't just tell everyone what they want to hear, life
is not that simple....Ken B.