

Ernie Peters wrote:
> Billy,
> 1.  How do you determine what is impossible if you don't try?  I am
> sure
> that virtually all of the medical solutions of this century would have
> been
> classified as impossible in the previous century.
> 2.  It is very easy (and misleading) to play the numbers game by
> quoting
> monetary sums in millions which, to individuals, seem like huge
> amounts of
> money.  In terms of the wealth and taxation revenue of Canada however,
> $60
> million is not a huge sum.  I calculate it as less than one cent per
> week
> per head of population over a 5 year period.  I don't think that is
> too high
> a price to pay for even a REMOTE chance of a cure for cancer.
> Ernie
> At 10:21 28/06/97 -0400, you wrote:
> >Like, just because we campaign against your bill to spend money
> >on Parkinsons research does not mean we are not your friends, eh?
> > We just spent $60 million here in Canada to try to do the
> >impossible, develop a vacine for Cancer.  Talk about wasting
> >money, eh?
> >[log in to unmask]
> >
> Ernie Peters <[log in to unmask]>

Like, I think Ernie has the wrong idea and thinking like his will cause
millions more to be wasted.  Just think, if there were no research maybe
we wouldn't have had to put up with l-dopa.  After all it causes
horrible side effects.  And anyway if we didn't have those medications
that have been developed most of us would be dying much earlier and that
would be saving the US and Canadian taxpayers billions of dollars in
social security benefits.

Hey maybe I've got something.  If we could convince the chronic disease
population to take either ineffective or harmful medication or treatment
and give up all the gains that research have given us and not spend any
more money on research into prolonging the lives of those of us with
chronic disease then we save not only the research funds but billions in
entitlements.  Just think how much less taxes our survivors will have to
pay.  Also the government will get their hands on our estate taxes
before we have a chance to deplete our funds.

Not a bad solution, eh?