

Bob, at 13:00 29/06/97 -0400, you wrote:
>currently I take one 10/100 kick starter in the AM
>followed by one 25/100 CR, one eldepryl and 1 mg permax and one artane an
>hour and half later;
>four hours later I repeat one  25/100 CR, one eldepryl, and 1 mg permax;
>3 -4 hours later I repeat all (except the eldepryl).
>My problem is I have (over the last 3 weeks) had a sudden increase in off
>time. I can't get out of a chair, have extreme bradykinesia, extreme
>stiffness and tremor. I don't have any dyskinesia. I have been on this
>regimen for approx. 4 years.
>I will be calling my neuro this week, I just would appreciate any thoughts
>you fellow PDers may have.
>I am also giving SERIOUS thought to a pallidotomy, if my insurance will
>cover some of it.
>Thank you for your advice.
>Bob  46/5 (had symptoms long before diagnosis)


Sorry to learn you are experiencing this sudden deterioration in symptoms.
Try not to let it get you down, I am sure things will be nowhere near as bad
as they seem on the face of it.

My own thoughts are:

1. You have been on this particular dose for quite a long time.  You have
probably fallen below the optimum dosage and it seems that with PD that once
you do this all symptoms can increase dramatically. (Almost as if you were
on no drugs at all).  However, even a small adjustment can make a huge
difference. From the details of the meds you take, there is still plenty to
go at. It makes sense to exhaust the drug possibilities before you consider

2. It is really important not to let yourself get despondent because that
seems to get you in a vicious circle and you become convinced you are
progressing rapidly, when in fact you are not.

3. Is it possible that some sort of worry or upset set this phase off and
then you ended up in the spiral I mentioned above?

I am sure you will be OK. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Ernie Peters <[log in to unmask]>