


I don't WANT a computer font to replace my own handwriting!   That's STILL
plain ol typing, in my book!   "Copperplate" is a style of writing... elegant
and artistic in my opinion, and sure there's fonts that can duplicate that
style, but typing is just not the same as choosing which stationery to write
on, picking up one's favorite fountain pen (yup... a real fountain pen) and
WRITING to one's friends.  By hand.

And how does one sign checks or credit card purchases, or fill out forms in
medical offices, or those damnable idiotic Social Security Dept. form letters,
or even sign a birthday card, or write out a quick Post-It note to stick on a
letter ya wanna mail?  Computer?  Nope...

How does M. Ali sign his autograph?  Surely HE can't handwritten? <sigh>

I AM thankful for what I CAN do... but nonetheless DO miss some of the things
which the non-PD community takes for granted.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Ken Becker
Sent:   Sunday, June 29, 1997 6:01 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: FW: No Subject/Ken's List made me feel sad, for a few seconds, then I thought...well at
least I don't have to wash her sleeves!  I don't know what "copperplate" is
...what a policeman eats his donuts out of????? Have you looked at some of
the fonts on the computer that look like handwriting? I KNOW it ain't the
same thing, but it works for me. I find it so nice when writing a "Dear jerk,
please stop sending ticking bombs" letter to be able to choose from dozens of
neat styles!  I also have a voice synthesizer on my old Texas Instruments
computer, so if someone sends me a "Dear Ken, I will continue to send ticking
bombs.."letter, I can request a copy on a floppy disk, and hear the voice,
and maybe even drop off the disk at the FBI office to check into the
situation............I am definitely not going to give that "bomb" person my
new address,  I am getting a little ....ticked.........Ken B