

> the students meet in the lecture format for two hours per
> week (one by me, and one by a guest lecturer talking about some aspect
> of engineering) and they also meet in tutorials for two hours per week
> where they practice writing with assignments moving through the
> rhetorical patterns and certain forms like memos, letters, proposal.  Or
> they did, the English department in its wisdom has cut back to one hour
> per week of tutorial and has eliminated the guest lecture component,
> meaning that the poor blighter who is succeeding me has to lecture 2
> hours and the poor students only get 1 hour per week of anything useful.

> P.S. I'm still keen for more responses to the question "Why not
> lecture?"

Am glad because I want to ask about the tutorial component.  How is
it organized?  How large are the groups?  Who are the tutors?

Am asking because the tutorial component of the course I teach is
threatened due to budget cuts.  Thanks, Mieke

Mieke Koppen Tucker
Bishop's University