

Losing a parent is terrible, no matter whether slow or fast.

My mother and I went bowling one Wednesday morning.  She was 66. Early the next
morning she had indigestion.  I took her to the hospital because she was
throwing up.  They sent her to a special hospital immediately for surgery as she
had an aneurysm in her stomach and died on the operating table.  It was so quick
we were all in shock for quite a while.

When my dad was 82 my sister (56) died of breast cancer.  I watched him die
slowly for a year.  A month after his 83rd birthday he was in the hospital (for
2 weeks), weak, but not having any particular problems.  We arranged for him to
leave there and go to a home on a Friday for physical therapy.  He died at
midnight, Thursday, in his sleep.  I was not glad that he was dead, but I was
glad his year of misery was over.

I miss my parents very much, but I am glad they are not here to see me suffer
with PD.  I had symptoms for some time before going to the doctor.  My children
are trying to watch out for me and help me as much as they can.  I love them
very much.

don't forget how to laugh
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