

Why is second-hand smoke worse than actually smoking a cigarette?  How can
such a thing be possible?  Plus, unless one quits breathing after sucking
down a cigarette in a closed envirement, rebreathing the residue must be the
equilivent of smoking a full pack.  Why would any smoker want to rebreathe
the same smoke over and over again?  I've never heard a smoker claim
inhaling cigarette smoke to be healthy, much less rebreathing the same dirty
air. Sharon ([log in to unmask])

At 06:37 PM 7/1/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Second-hand smoke is much worse than actully smoking a cigarete.  You would
>have to isolate  yourself  if you don''t want to be exposed.  And that would
>make for a very dull and lonely life.
>Edie Luther
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