

Sharon, you are right! I wonder why people don't take into account the many
lives lost due to fires started by people who smoke,  car accidents caused
while smoking, and here is something: poverty caused by smoking!  This
includes loss of income while the smoker is dying,  loss of income when a
caregiver has to stop working, the cost of cigarettes themselves.  I have
seen people on foodstamps, smoking. This is beyond personal choice, when you
don't have enough money to eat, but can spend on cigarettes!  I think all
medical costs for smoking related illnesses should be paid from cigarette
taxes!  If you can pay $30 or more for a bottle of liquor, why should
cigarettes only cost $2-3? If people want to pay $1-2 a cigarette, then at
least the people who are on welfare won't see all their money go to hospital
bills. I am 100% for personal freedom, but what is free for you, should not
cost me money!  What about smokers insurance?  I don't mind helping those who
help themselves, but why should I be penalized by paying the expenses caused
by smoking, if I don't choose to smoke? Ken B