

>               Where do I begin?"
> You're off to a good start, I think.  Hang in there!  Also, let us know where you and your parents live, and you will probably find some neighbors here.
> Mary Rack
> cg for mom Louise 75(age)/6(yrs diagnosed)
> [log in to unmask]
Mary Rack suggested I announce myself as new to the list. My mom has just
been diagnosed, is 70 years old and I am at a loss as to how to help her.
She and my dad are very resistant to outside help and as the only sibling in
town with a new 7 month old daughter I am overwhelmed and cannot help her

I live in Milwaukee, WI. Is there anyone near where I live on this list
who might be able to share resources and support networks with me?

Her neurologist is not a PD specialist and did not recommend antidepressants
yet she is very depressed and in a lot of pain. i have been trying to
recommend counseling to her for about 3 years since this all began (but
she was just diagnosed last week) but she is very resistant to therapy.

If anyone lives near Miwlaukee, WI I would appreciate a reply.

