

Reply to message from [log in to unmask] of Mon, 30 Jun
>We're looking for ideas for things to keep my Dad busy. ...
>He's never really been a TV-watcher, nor much of a reader.  He enjoyed working on his computer until about 18 months ago, when "his brain took too long to process things" and he became discouraged.
>I think he's frustrated because he doesn't have "things to do".  He's always worked, and been busy.  Does anyone have any ideas of things that we can suggest?
>Some limitations....  right now he's confined to a spot.  He can't get up on his own, because his balance is horrible.  He's right handed, and that's the arm that's in a cast (from knuckles to armpit) because of several falls 8 weeks ago.
>Any ideas will be welcomed!
>Thanks in advance.
>Diane McHutchison
>[log in to unmask]
>LD Caregiver for Dad (69/7+)
Dear Diane,

Hi :))  My name is Nancy M. and I have what is called Multiple System Atrophy
(PD+++). I am 38 years old.  I was in a nursing home for only 10 days and did
not like it because everything was geared towards the older patients,so if
your father is still residing at a SNF then there most likely are activities
for him to do.  I found that if I did not like the ones that were offered
the staff was willing to accommadate me within reason.

As for the computer, why isn't he the one emailing the letters to this list?
Yes it is frustrating not being able to type as fast and accurately as i use
to ,BUT I keep on typing anyway. I have a laptop on a tiltable bedside table.
My son attached 2 pieces of wood to the tabletop and placed a cutting board
on top of the wood. This was done because the bedside table wheels do not
fit under my reclining chair.

  SO..... Does your father have a reclining chair
in his room?

Lazyboy has sales 2 for the price of 1 plus $50, and they are
generally around $400. Yes, they offer the deluxe $1100 massage, ect reclining chair,. but it is not usually not  necessary.
The side handle that raises and lowers the leg extension is adjustable according
to the person's hand strength. The nursing aide can assit your father into
the recliner.

I have to reconnect now. This letter will continue.

Nancy M.
