

Mary Sheehan...

Dear M. (for Magnificent) <smile> I'm glad ya got rid M. Thatcher image - ya
had me worrying there for a minute!  And because I often get them typical
Parkie "sticky-singers," why your suggested "BB" is perfect for me... (and I
always wanted to be thought of as a "bodacious babe!") <giggle>


aka Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Mary Sheehan
Sent:   Thursday, July 03, 1997 9:36 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: handwriting/humor


I agree.  Definitely do not shorten your name to B. M.   That idea should be
eliminated immediately.  I think if you're going to go for just letters, it
should be B (for Babe or BB for Bodacious Babe).  BB is very handy if you
fail to lift your finger off the computer key quickly enough and tend to
double print.

I suggested Margaret Thatcher because I figured most Americans would have
heard of her but not be too sure of what she looks like.  Come to think of it
, I don't want to be Margaret T. either.  How about Marie of Rumania or the
previously unknown (and much younger) Gabor sister, Cha Cha?

M. (for Magnificient)