

> Fra: Charles T. Meyer <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Re: Paxil
> Dato: 5. juli 1997 12:51
> Marling McReynolds wrote:
> >
> > Why did you stop the Eldepryl?
> Marling and others,
> There is a theoretical risk of taking a SSRI antidepressants such as
> Paxil, Prozac  or Zoloft (as well as the older tricyclics) with Eldepryl
> which is a selective monoamine oxidase inhibitor.  However since it
> inhibits at low doses only one type of MAO it rarely causes problems.
> Be careful to avoid doses (per day) of greater than 10 mg of
> eldepryl.
> Also Marling given the problem you have had with depression I would be
> very cautious about giving up the Paxil for a trial of ST. John's Wort.
> I also would be concerned about possible interactions between the SJW
> the Paxil and the Eldepryl and possibly other meds you are taking.
> Since the mechanism of action of the SJW is not known you are sailing in
> uncharted waters. My advise would be to let well enough alone.
> Charlie
> --
> **********************************************************
> *********************************

Hello Charlie,
sorry I have not been reading the first e-mails about Eldepryl. I hope
it``s OK to ask you if it`s normal that some people are going to be
depressed when they take Eldepryl.
I was diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago, and one year after my neurologist told me
to start
Eldepryl. One week later I was depressed and refused to take the tabl. He
told me it`s wasn`t "normal" that people became depressed.
I stopped, and after one week I was OK.
Now I have another neurologist and he has tried too to convince me that
I`ll NOT be depressed, but still I say NO-thank you, and off course he will
not force me because he knows me very well and we are real good friends.
I`m looking forward hearing what you mean.

Sonia Nielsen