

It's been almost two weeks, since we got home from our trip to Hawaii.  Had
a wonderful time and met two other PDP.  One from Australia and one from
Hawaii.  I didn't cancel the PD Digest cause I didn't want to miss anything
important.  Came home to 53 copies of the Digest.  Still trying to get
through all of them.  While we were gone we had more time to monitor Don's
medications.  Since last October the Mayo doctor told him to take 2 Simemet
CR 50/200 every four hours. He said he was under medicated.   We cut back to
1 1/2 and the Dyskinesia and tremors seemed to get better although he said
he felt weaker.  Can't decide if it helped because we were a much more
relaxed and less streeful situation or because of another alternative we are
trying.  He has stayed on the 1 1/2 dosage since we have been home.

We used to be so careful about taking the meds either 1 hour before a meal
or 1 hour after a meal, but the doctor at the Mayo Clinic said not to worry
about it since he was using the CR.  It sure made life easier!!

Its great to be back and to get my electronic fix a couple times a day!
Love all of your messages.

Nancy B  cg for Don 63/13