


Gee, you made it for 60 seconds. I didn't even make it into
the tube my first try. I couldn't stand having my head
immobilized, let alone dropping that cage over my head. The
fact that my fire plug body makes for a pretty tight fit in
the tube doesn't help either. I end up with my shoulders
pressing against my cheeks.

Now with the prince, you are totally alert ( well that is
my perception ), but you really don't care. I opted for
for the ear plugs versus phones, but began doing rap to
the machine noises. After about 25 minutes it began to
wear off and I came out for another hit.

Make sure you have someone to drive you home and plan
on sleeping for a few hours afterward.

The MRI technician said in her 15 years she has never
had anyone that couldn't get through the MRI after being
teamed up with the prince.

She also said that cucumber oil on your nose will help relax
you. With me I can't smell so I can't confirm that this works.

I think you should have the picture now. Enjoy the trip
and don't infringe on any of my song lyrics.

Phil Gesotti 47/1+