


Are you a PWP or a CG?? That is are you a "person with parkinson's" or a

At any rate, keep reading,  we do understand anger, depression, frustration, and
so much more.

My children have given me a walking stick because I am beginning to lose my
balance.  I'm only 48 and have been an athlete most of my life.  Not being able
to do what I should be able to do at 48 is frustrating.

There is plenty for you to learn about here.  PD is not only about tremors,
freezing, tics, balance, masks, etc., or sinemet, eldepryl, prozac, paxil,
mirapex, and so many others.  It is about living with a condition that is not
hereditary or contagious, does not change your life span or usually directly
effect your mind, is progressively worse, and has no cure.  It just makes your
quality of life a misery if you do not find help, support, and have a sense of

I just tell people that I am "brain dead".  That's the truth, after all a part
of my brain is really dead now.

don't forget how to laugh
Marling McReynolds
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