

Marling, I sometimes think about all the negative things that can happen and
all of a sudden I say "WHAT WILL I DO IF EVERYTHING GOES RIGHT?"  What if a
cure for PD becomes available in the next few weeks? What if I win a few
million $$$ in the Lotto? What if my kids BOTH become rich and famous and
insist on sending the parents a large check every few days, just because they
have so much to spare? What if I don't have any flat tires for a year?  What
if no hurricanes come to Florida this year?
What if my computer works perfectly until it becomes obsolete?  What if I go
to the doctor and he looks at my chart and says "I HAVE GOOD NEWS", or even
better"you seem to be the perfect weight now, you should eat more junk food".
 What if I get an estimate to get something fixed and they tell me it was the
50 cent fuse, not the $500 transformer connected to the $900 circuit board,
and the job was so easy, the labor is only $2.00?  I know most of this stuff
is what dreams are made of, but sometimes things do go RIGHT! While you plan
for the worst eventualities, realize that life sometimes is NOT unfair!  When
I was 13 and my dad was 39 he had a heart attack, I never would have dreamed
he'd be 80 years old and still  "surviving"......When the air conditioning in
my "new old house" broke on the Fourth of July I never would have guessed a
neighbor would have it fixed and get parts in less than two hours. There are
still miracles!
I wish miracles for all that need them. Ken B.