

In a message dated 97-07-10 15:18:08 EDT, [log in to unmask]
(((JackLyn))) writes:

<<  As this disease progresses does your mind stay the same (just
 that you are unable to communicate) >>

Jackie PD definitely effects the mind and i am sure it effects each

In my case as my body stiffens up so has my mind.  The muscles in my face are
starting to stifffen which will eventually effect my vision.

At first I began to have trouble with sequential events in my mind.. That
problem progressed to my inability to radisly process information preceived
by my senses. It becomes difficukt to start and complete a task as my mental
attention slips back to my physical difficulties like typing this letter.
Most recently zi can not make my mind do what I want it to do. for instance
take on a project like paying house bills annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd
getting the task started and finished. I can no longer fill out insurance
forms because of the small spaces to right. However my mind is still
functioning like I used to think I believe.

Fortunately no depression has set in which effects so many of us.

Dale Severance  now to tired to correct mistakes in letter even though I can
see them