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Dear friends,

There's been a misunderstanding on the availability of Mirapex.
Just because it has been released does not mean all pharmacies have
ordered it.  For example:

Johns Hopkins Hospital has its own pharmacy and it also has many
patients with Parkinson's Disease.  It was also one of the sites for
the clinical trial.  As soon as Mirapex was released, Johns Hopkins
put it in its formulary and ordered it.  It is in transit even as I
write this if not there already.

The Night Aid pharmacy in Smallville gets 70% of its business from
the patients of the Pleasant Acres Perpetual Care Health Maintenance
Organization.  Their accountants must decide whether or not to it
will be profitable to include Mirapex in their formulary, a process
that takes a couple of months.  The pharmacy does not want to order
medication that will not be prescribed, so they will wait until
their biggest customer includes the drug in their formulary.
Therefore they do not receive the new medication until two months
after it has been released.

I hope this clears up the matter.

By the way, this message was dictated using Dragon Systems

Sinemet and Mirapex