


Several years ago when I'd originally applied for SSDI, it was suggested I
also apply for SSI.  Since I knew next to nothing at that time about either I
went ahead and applied for both.

Aside from expecting the applicant to be absolutely being dirt poor, SSI sends
out a social worker to evaluate the applicant and their home.  I've NEVER been
thru such a humiliating experience in my entire life!!!  This
sweatsuit-wearing social worker took a look around my home which is very
attractively furnished with a mix of contemporary and antique furnishings and
I knew I was in trouble.

She suggested I sell the antiques, and didn't believe me when I told her I'd
tried to but despite their retailing for thousands of dollars, an antique
dealer would pay mere hundreds of dollars for the whole lot of it.  She then
informed me I didn't need to live in a 3 bedroom condo.

It began to go downhill from there, so I thanked her and told her that the
$166 a month I would received from SSI wasn't worth the humiliation I was
being subjected to, and showed her the door.

SSI expects you to give them the ORIGINALS (which they claim will be returned
to you) of proof of household expenses, i.e., mortgage, rent, utility bills,
proof of age, medical evidence, proof of direct deposit, and more.

Finally, there IS endless forms and tons of paperwork to fill out.

WHAT a miserable experience THAT was and to me, no amount of money is worth

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Delda White
Sent:   Friday, July 11, 1997 5:31 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: SSI Question/Free Rx drugs

Kathrynne -- I telephoned for that booklet and received it.  It does involve
a lot of form-filling-out, and is a little difficult to use because it goes
by Pharm. Co. and not by medication.  Also, many of the descriptions are just
plain nasty -- YOU'D BETTER BE DIRT POOR OR ELSE tone.  And many of them
require a tremendous amount of paperwork.  Just a warning to anyone thinking
of using it....  Delda White ([log in to unmask])