

Sue Maltais wrote:
> Many of the people I work with have need of
>  assistance paying for medications, either for themselves or their
>  spouses, and have found the free prescriptions a great help.
>  -- >>
> Do you happen to have an idea of how low a person's income needs to be?
> Sue, in Ma.

It's really up to the doctor, in my experience, and the doctors I know
of have been happy to assist. So far, I've never heard of the companies
investigating or challenging any physician's request. I suspect the
pharmaceutical companies place these statements, in the hope that
wealthier people won't take advantage of the program. It's entirely up
to the individual whether to seek the doctor's help; but I would, if it
were me.

Best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
and NUTRITION TOPICS copy-ready handouts
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