

>My dad PD11 yrs. age 80, has lost his ability to speak.  The result is that
>little by little we are losing "contact" with him.  We are considering
>buying a small ( size of a book) hand held device which he can type out
>thoughts and comments. The screen is on both sides so that the PWP can
>read what he is writing and the person opposite him can see it on their
>side.  It is called a Light Writer SL5 and costs $1,100 which Medicare does
>not cover because it is a communication device. Is anyone out there familiar
>with such a tool? Would welcome any comments.  Marcia

Yes, my Mother had a Light Writer - excellent thing. We got ours on the
NHS, but it was well worth it. Well designed as well.

We also used (as well as the Light Writer) an A4 sheet of paper with
letters of the alphabet, and also common phrases (TV on, book, drink, etc.)


--------- My opinions are my own, NIP's opinions are theirs ----------
Simon J. Coles                                 Email: [log in to unmask]
New Information Paradigms                  Work Phone: +44 1344 778783                     Work Fax:   +44 1344 772510
=============== Life is too precious to take seriously ===============